The Faithful Journey

About the Book
The Faithful Journey by Eloise Collins is an amazing memoir written to inspire people through the word of God. Come along as Eloise shares her journey of being born and raised at Georgia Road in Jamaica and tackling the immense hurdles in her life. Her story isn’t like every other autobiography where people face hardships and end up being successful. Eloise’s story is much different. She does not only faces the troubles of her life but tackles them by being fierce to embrace the change in her life.
Her story takes a massive turn after knowing the voice of Jesus. Desperate to break herself free from the shackles, Eloise learns to understand the voice of Jesus and act upon the commands to lead a better life on her own. She doesn’t only listen’s to the commands by Jesus but acts upon them as an honest and true believer of God. Following the command of Jesus leaders her leaving her hometown and traveling all the way to Louisiana Bayou Region in the United States of America.