Emotional behavioral disorders (EMD) can affect an individual’s ability to socialize and cope with his emotions or that of others. Oftentimes, EMDs develop at the early stages of the person’s development, usually during childhood or adolescence. Parents, guardians, teachers, or other individuals must understand the causes of emotional disorders; and know how to cope with or prevent their occurrences.Behavioral programs for chilren and emotional behavioral disorder counseling can help kids and teens with EBD.
Scientists and behavioral researchers are still trying to understand all the causes of emotional behavioral disorders, but we can narrow them down to these four causes.
1. Congenital/biological
2. Environmental
3. Developmental
4. Learned
Congenital/biological: Several things could cause mental or behavioral imbalances in children. A common cause of behavioral impairment is genetics- Certain genes from parents that impede mental or social development may be expressed or dominant in the child.
Other factors like a mother’s poor lifestyle choices ( like smoking, drinking, or illicit drug usage) can affect the baby’s brain. Other things like brain injury, illnesses, and infection can cause E/BD.
Environmental factors: It goes without saying that how and where a child grows can have a serious impact on his behavior. The home and school are some of the most important places for a child’s growth. High levels of stress at home or in school can trigger a range of behavioral disorders like anxiety, ADHD, OCD, and others. Stress could manifest as a result of abuse, a poor family structure, lack of attention, etc.
Developmental causes: A child may develop E/BD at different stages of development. If a child experiences emotional or mental trauma or has poor development in key phases of growth and cognition.
A child in his teenage years is highly susceptible to emotional or physical abuse from different parties, and this could be caused by many reasons. A kid may have been bullied during his adolescence, or develop anxiety disorders in his preteens.
Learned: Sometimes, a kid can develop emotional disorder himself and through the negligence of his parents. When a child learns that the best way to get what he wants is to act out, he will develop a habit of it-This can have deleterious effects on his mental, social and emotional disorder.
When things don’t go his way, he may go into a fit of rage or have panic attacks. In cases like this, the onus is usually on his parents to discipline the child appropriately and teach him the value of patience and empathy.